The technical information presented herein is offered solely for the evaluation of our customers. It is based on information and data believed to be reliable. However, it is intended for use by Buyers having knowledge and skill in the use of such products and who are qualified in its application.
Industial Coating Specialties Corporation warrants its products to be free from defect in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the delivery date. Industrial Coating Specialties Corporation's sole obligation, and Buyer's sole remedy, to products not conforming to this warranty shall be limited to either replacement of products found defective or to have credit applied to Buyer's account. In no event shall Industrial Coating Specialties Corporation be liable for any loss or damage which exceeds the purchase price allocable to the products purchased.
Industrial Coating Specialties Corporation makes no other warranties, expressed or implied, concerning these products. In no event shall Industrial Coating Specialies Corporation be liable for consequential or incidental damage.