To order, please call us at 713-686-3411, or fax us at 713-686-8725
The ICSC 400 series coatings are high quality, alkyd based, gloss enamel finishes designed to protect and beautify. Good resistance to moisture and chemical environments can be obtained when properly applied over a suitable primer. ICSC 400 series enamels provide an excellent finish coat for many types of steel substrates. They are the preferred choice when the requirements of the job call for good color and gloss retention coupled with modest cost.
Many of the 400 series enamels are availalble in a quick dry formulation. These products are so designated by the markings "QD" after the product number. Some of the colors are available by special order only. Please contact us for further information.
Primers for the QD series must be limited to ICSC 219, ICSC 244, and ICSC 952 for solvent compatability in recoating.
The 400 series enamels can be used in a variety of industrial applications. These topcoats provide a dual function as sealer of the primer coat and as cosmetic enhancers. An enamel topcoat gives a fresh new look to machinery, rental equipment, tools, rigs, structural steel, and buildings.
All enamels should be applied over a primer coat. This provides the enamel with a good substrate for adhesion and protects the enamel from corrosion from underneath. Proper recoat times should be observed per requirements for the type of primer used. Previously painted surfaces can be recoated (or touched up) provided the surface is clean and free of all oil residues, dirt, grease, and all loose paint has been removed. The 400 series enamels may be applied by brush, roller, or by conventional or airless sprayer. For optimum appearance, best results are usually obtained by spray application.